Hello Everyone, I will tell you about of human brain.Actually, I am writing my learned.I hope you liked my article. What is of human brain? Why that is important for humanity , world , animals ? Firstly , You are using the your brain right now even while read the write.A brain creates %2 of a human body but that manages %98 of human body.I suprised that when I was read because I thought that , My brain keeps the past in my mind and that creates too my future for me .For example , why my arm does not hold the past , or my heart , why they dont create my future for me ? Actually I always asked of this types questions myself . I did not find answer to my question. Human brain is manager in the world.Because what you want to do by using that you can do.Do you want save animals ? You can do . To be killer ? You can be.Really , what you want you can do by using that.You can save the world or can create the environment war in the world. That is my first blog post , I hope you liked.