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Chapter 1 - Soru 1

1. Which of the following method signatures is a valid declaration of an entry point in a Java application? A. public void main(String[] args) B. public static void main() C. private static void start(String[] mydata) D. public static final v...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 2

Diagram hakkında hangi ifade doğru değildir ?  A şıkkında javada platform bağımsızlığını söylüyo ki , bununla hiç bi alakası yok.Bunu diğer şıkların mantıklı olduğunu gördüğünüzde anlayacaksınız. B şıkkında javanın nesne tabanlı yani obje...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 3

3. What is the proper filename extension for a Java bytecode compiled file? A. .java B. .bytecode C. .class D. .dll Derlenmiş java codunun dosya uzantısını soruyor.Java dosyalarını javac ile derleriz ve bize jvm'de executed olacak uzantısı ...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 4

Given that a Date class exists in both the java.util and java.sql packages, what is the result of compiling the following class? 1: import java.util.*; 2: import java.sql.*; 3: public class BirthdayManager { 4:        &n...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 5

5. Which of the following is not a facet of traditional object-oriented programming languages? A. Objects are grouped as procedures, separate from the data they act on. B. An object can take many forms via casting. C. An object can hold data, ...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 6

6. Which variables have a scope limited to a method? A. Interface variables B. Class variables C. Instance variables D. Local variables Java'da 3 adet variables türü var : Class variables , instance variables ve local variables.Örnek ile...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 7

7. Which package is imported into every Java class by default? A. java.util B. java.lang C. system.lang D. java.system Hangi package javada her classta default olarak import edilir ? Kültür olarak değil artık hemen hemen her javacının bilme...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 8

8. Which of the following is not a valid code comment in Java? A. // Add 5 to the result B. /*** TODO: Fix bug 12312 ***/ C. # Add configuration value D. /* Read file from system ****/ Hangisi geçerli bir yorum codu değildir javada ? Javada...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 9

9. Which statement about a valid .java file is true? A. It can only contain one class declaration. B. It can contain one public class declaration and one public interface definition. C. It must define at least one public class.; D. It may defi...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 10

Soru diyo ki tabloda yukarıdan aşağıya kadar kayıp değerleri doldurun.Tabloda da P1 de erişebilir değişkenlerin sayısı diyo , başlayalım.Class değişkeni olarak weight ve success ' a erişebilir çünkü bunlar class variables yani static keywordüne...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 11

11. Which statement about import statements is true? A. The class will not compile if it contains unused import statements. B. Unused import statements can be removed from the class without causing a class to become unable to be compiled. C. T...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 12

12. What is the result of compiling and executing the following class? 1: public class ParkRanger { 2:int birds = 10; 3:public static void main(String[] data) { 4:int trees = 5; 5:System.out.print(trees+birds); 6:} 7: } A. It does not comp...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 13

13. Which statements about Java are true? I. The java command can execute .java and .class files. II. Java is not object oriented. III. The javac command compiles directly into native machine code. A. I only B. III only C. II and III D. Non...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 14

14. Which of the following lines of code is not allowed as the first line of a Java class file? A. import widget.*; B. // Widget Manager C. package sprockets; D. int facilityNumber; Java sınıf dosyası için en baştaki satıra hangi kod geleme...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 15

15. Which one of the following statements is true about using packages to organize your code in Java? A. Every class is required to include a package declaration. B. To create a new package, you need to add a package.init file to the directory....
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Chapter 1 - Soru 16

16. Given that the current directory is /user/home , with an application Java file in /user/home/ that uses the default package, which are the correct commands to compile and run the application in Java? A. javac Manager java Manag...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 17

17. Structuring a Java class such that only methods within the class can access its instance variables is referred to as _______. A. platform independence B. object orientation C. inheritance D. encapsulation Bir java classının methodunun ...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 18

18. What is the output of the following code snippet? String tree = "pine"; int count = 0; if (tree.equals("pine")) { int height = 55; count = count + 1; } System.out.print(height + count); A. 1 B. 55 C. 56 D. It does not compile. tr...
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Chapter 1 - Soru 19/20

19. Which of the following is true of a Java bytecode file? A. It can be run on any computer with a compatible JVM. B. It can only be executed on the same type of computer that it was created on. C. It can be easily read and modified in a stand...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 1

1. Which of the following declarations does not compile? A. double num1, int num2 = 0; B. int num1, num2; C. int num1, num2 = 0; D. int num1 = 0, num2 = 0; Hangi bildirimler derlenmez diyo.A şıkkı derlenmez çünkü num1 den sonra ; (semicolon...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 2

2. What is the output of the following? public static void main(String... args) { String chair, table = "metal"; chair = chair + table; System.out.println(chair); } A. metal B. metalmetal C. nullmetal D. The code does not compile. Arka...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 3

3. Which is correct about an instance variable of type String ? A. It defaults to an empty string. B. It defaults to null . C. It does not have a default value. D. It will not compile without initializing on the declaration line. Bir String...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 4

4. Which of the following is not a valid variable name? A. _blue B. 2blue C. blue$ D. Blue javada değişken isimleri _ veya $ özel karakterlerini içerebilir veya içerisinde bir sayı içerebilir fakat bu sayı değişkenin başında başlamaması şar...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 5

5. Which of these class names best follows standard Java naming conventions? A. fooBar B. FooBar C. FOO_BAR D. F_o_o_B_a_r Java naming conventions (java isimlendirme kuralında) class isimleri Büyük harfle başlar ve camel caseyi kullanır. ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 6

6. How many of the following methods compile? public String convert(int value) { return value.toString(); } public String convert(Integer value) { return value.toString(); } public String convert(Object value) { return value.toString(); ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 7

7. Which of the following does not compile? A. int num = 999; B. int num = 9_9_9; C. int num = _9_99; D. None of the above; they all compile. Hangisi compile edilmez diyo ? Cevap c çünkü javada sayıların karışmaması için _(underscore) kulla...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 8

8. Which of the following is a wrapper class? A. int B. Int C. Integer D. Object Wrapper classes in java are; int primitive türün : Integer boolean türünün : Boolean double = Double ... diğer primitive türlerin de baş harfler...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 9

9. What is the result of running this code? public class Values { integer a = Integer.valueOf("1"); public static void main(String[] nums) { integer a = Integer.valueOf("2"); integer b = Integer.valueOf("3"); System.out.println(a + b); } }...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 10

10. Which best describes what the new keyword does? A. Creates a copy of an existing object and treats it as a new one B. Creates a new primitive C. Instantiates a new object D. Switches an object reference to a new one new keywordünün ne y...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 11

11. Which is the first line to trigger a compiler error? double d1 = 5f; //p1 double d2 = 5.0; //p2 float f1 = 5f; //p3 float f2 = 5.0; //p4 A. p1 B. p2 C. p3 D. p4 hangi satırda en başta derleme hatası olur.p4 çünkü f2 değerinde varsay...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 12

12. Which of the following lists of primitive types are presented in order from smallest to largest data type? A. byte , char , float , double B. byte , char , double , float C. char , byte , float , double D. char , double , float , bigint ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 13

13. Which of the following is not a valid order for elements in a class? A. Constructor, instance variables, method names B. Instance variables, constructor, method names C. Method names, instance variables, constructor D. None of the above: a...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 14

14. Which of the following lines contains a compiler error? String title = "Weather"; // line x1 int hot, double cold; // line x2 System.out.println(hot + " " + title); // line x3 A. x1 B. x2 C. x3 D. None of the above Hangi satır derlem...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 15

15. How many instance initializers are in this code? 1:public class Bowling { 2:{ System.out.println(); } 3:public Bowling () { 4:System.out.println(); 5:} 6:static { System.out.println(); } 7:{ System.out.println(); } 8:} A. None B....
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Chapter 2 - Soru 16

16. Of the types double , int , and short , how many could fill in the blank to have this code output 0 ? public static void main(String[] args) { _______defaultValue; System.out.println(defaultValue); } A. None B. One C. Two D. Three ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 17

17. What is true of the finalize() method? A. It may be called zero or one times. B. It may be called zero or more times. C. It will be called exactly once. D. It may be called one or more times. Finalize methodu arkadaşlar , bir nesne garb...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 18

18. Which of the following is not a wrapper class? A. Double B. Integer C. Long D. String Wrapper classlarla ilgili bir soru daha vardı bu chapterda.Orda açıkladım bu soruyu geçiyorum cevap D çünkü String bir wrapper class değildir.
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Chapter 2 - Soru 19

On numara beş yıldız soru kafadan yapıyorsanız artık süpersiniz diyecem :) Kağıt kaleminizle yapmaya çözmeye çalışın çok daha iyi olacaktır.Cevabını cevap anahtarından alıp bırakmak istiyorum çok anlamlı bir şekilde açıklanmış ; C. Lines 15–17 ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 20/21

20. Which type can fill in the blank? _______ pi = 3.14; A. byte B. float C. double D. short Hangisiyle doldurulabilir ? İnce bi soru görürseniz eğer sıkıntı yok , float ve double kısmını.Byte ve short da olmayacağını biliyorsunuz onlar ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 22/23

22. Suppose foo is a reference to an instance of a class. Which of the following is not true about ? A. bar is an instance variable. B. bar is a local variable. C. It can be used to read from bar . D. It can be used to write to bar . ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 24/25

24. Which of the following can fill in the blanks to make this code compile? _______d = new_______ (1_000_000_.00); A. double , double B. double , Double C. Double , double D. None of the above. Boşluğa hangilerini bırakırsak adam akıllı d...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 26/27

26. Of the types double , int , long , and short , how many could fill in the blank to have this code output 0 ? static _______defaultValue; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(defaultValue); } A. One B. Two C. Three...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 28

28. What is the output of the following? Integer integer = new Integer(4); System.out.print(integer.byteValue()); System.out.print("-"); int i = new Integer(4); System.out.print(i.byteValue()); A. 4-0 B. 4-4 C. The code does not compile. ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 29

29. Given the following code, fill in the blank to have the code print bounce . public class TennisBall { public TennisBall() { System.out.println("bounce"); } public static void main(String[] slam) { ________________________ } } ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 30

30. Which of the following correctly assigns animal to both variables? I. String cat = "animal", dog = "animal"; II. String cat = "animal"; dog = "animal"; III. String cat, dog = "animal"; IV. String cat, String dog = "animal"; A. I B. I, II...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 31/32

31. Which two primitives have wrapper classes that are not merely the name of the primitive with an uppercase letter? A. byte and char B. byte and int C. char and int D. None of the above Yukarıdaki soruda şıklarda bulunan primitive türler...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 33/34

33. Which statement is true about primitives? A. Primitive types begin with a lowercase letter. B. Primitive types can be set to null . C. String is a primitive. D. You can create your own primitive types. primitive türler hakkında hangisi ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 35

35. How many of the String objects are eligible for garbage collection right before the end of the main method? public static void main(String[] fruits) { String fruit1 =new String("apple"); String fruit2 =new String("orange"); String fruit3 ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 36

36. Which of the following can fill in the blanks to make this code compile? _______d = new_______ (1_000_000.00); A. double , double B. double , Double C. Double , double D. None of the above Bu sorunun benzerini görmüştük bu chapterde , ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 37

37. What does the following output? 1: public class InitOrder { 2:public String first = "instance"; 3:public InitOrder() { 4:first = "constructor"; 5:} 6:{ first = "block"; } 7:public void print() { 8:System.out.println(first); 9:} 10:...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 38

38. How many of the following lines compile? int i = null; Integer in = null; String s = null; A. None B. One C. Two D. Three aşağıdakilerin kaç tanesi derlenir diyo ? öncelikle null değeri class veya complex typelara atanır yukarıda da ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 39

39. Which pairs of statements can accurately fill in the blanks in this table? Variable            Type Can be called within the class from what type of method Instance      ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 40/41

40. Which of the following does not compile? A. double num = 2.718; B. double num = 2._718; C. double num = 2.7_1_8; D. None of the above; they all compile. Hangisi derlenmez ? Bununla ilgili gerçekten bu chapterde 3-5 tane soru vardı hepsi...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 42

42. Fill in the blank to make the code compile: package animal; public class Cat { public String name; public static void main(String[] meow) {       Cat cat = new Cat();       ______________ = "S...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 43

43. Which of the following is the output of this code, assuming it runs to completion? package store; public class Toy { public void play() {            System.out.print("play-"); } public vo...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 44

44. Which is the most common way to fill in the blank to implement this method? public class Penguin {    private double beakLength;    public static void setBeakLength(Penguin p, int b) {      &nbs...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 45

45. Fill in the blanks to indicate whether a primitive or wrapper class can be assigned without the compiler using the autoboxing feature. _______first = Integer.parseInt("5"); _______second = Integer.valueOf("5"); A. int , int B. int , Integ...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 46

46. How many objects are eligible for garbage collection right before the end of the main method? 1:public class Person { 2:public Person youngestChild; 3:public static void main(String... args) { 4: 5:Person elena = new Person(); 6:Per...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 47

47. Which is a valid constructor for this class? public class TennisBall { } A. public TennisBall static create() { return new TennisBall(); } B. public TennisBall static newInstance() { return new TennisBall():} C. public TennisBall() {} D....
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Chapter 2 - Soru 48

48. Which of the following is not a possible output of this code, assuming it runs to completion? package store; public class Toy { public void play() {     System.out.print("play-"); } public void finalize() {   &...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 49

49. Which converts a primitive to a wrapper class object without using autoboxing? A. Call the asObject() method B. Call the constructor of the wrapper class C. Call the convertToObject() method D. Call the toObject() method Şıklardan hangi...
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Chapter 2 - Soru 50

50. What is the output of the following? package beach; public class Sand {     public Sand() {      System.out.print("a");     }    public void Sand() {     ...
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